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Ready-made Handmade
Many customers have asked why I don't have a shopping cart or "buy-it-now" options on my website. The reason is that most of my knitting is custom order Christmas stockings, which require a lot of communication so that I can knit exactly what the customer wants. However, I do offer some ready-made knits, many of which are already on my website. I've finally found a great way to make them more easily available!
Handmade Artists is an on-line forum where artists and crafters can set up shops. The customer clicks to buy, pays on-line through PayPal, and is done. If you have questions before you buy, it's easy to contact the seller. I've set up a shop called PrimarilyPracticalKnits. Eventually, all my ready-made knits will be listed there. As of late December 2018, I have 24 finished items listed, along with 10 of my original patterns.
Below is a picture gallery of the items offered for sale at my Handmade Artists shop. Click on a photo to be taken directly to the listing. Since the gallery organizes the photos in order of when they're added, see my lists below to distinguish which offers are for patterns and which are for finished items. NOTE: The duplicate photos are there because the same item is listed in more than one size. Please feel free to Contact Me with any questions.
Patterns, delivered by email: Simple Crochet Stocking (tan, "Papa"), Animal Hand Puppets (mk, 4 designs), Lined Helmet (mk), Alpaca Toy (hk), Short-Row Beret (mk), Easy Fixation Sweater (mk), Colorblock Baby Blanket (mk), Colorblock Baby Cardigan (mk), Sideways Stripe Vest (mk), Raglan Baby Sweater in 2 weights (mk).
All the rest are finished knitted items, ready to ship. Some are available in multiple colors and/or sizes.
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Primarily Practical Knits LLC, 288 Larch Lane, Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 231-6610
This site was last updated
Monday February 12, 2024.