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Privacy Policy
This is the web site of Primarily Practical Knits, located in Lexington, Kentucky (USA). When you visit this web site, my web server automatically recognizes the domain name that you are coming from, but it does not recognize your e-mail address. The server also collects information about which pages of my site are visited and how often, but there is no way to know which visitor has visited which page(s). I do not set any cookies on your computer. In other words, you can browse this site without disclosing your identity or any personal data.
Contact Information Privacy
I do save your e-mail address if you contact me by e-mail. I will use the address to discuss your order, if applicable, and I may occasionally send you a short note about an update to the site. I will not share your e-mail address with anyone else for any reason. If you do not want to receive e-mail from me in the future please let me know at the e-mail address given below.
If you give me your postal address or telephone number, I will only use these as needed to process an order. I will not share them with anyone else for any reason.
Payment Information Privacy
Likewise, any information you give me for payment of an order will be used only as needed to process the order. There are legal provisions that might require me to share information with a bank or credit card company in connection with a payment. I will, of course, comply with any legal requirements. But I will not offer any more information than I am required to give. If you give me your credit card information over the phone in payment of an order, I will keep that information until the order is completed, then destroy it.
I do accept payments through PayPal, and credit card payments through ProPay, a division of Wells Fargo Bank. These institutions require me to give them certain information about you in order to process the payment. They have their own privacy policies, which apply to whatever information they receive from me. I chose these institutions to help me process payments because they are well-established and reputable. I will be happy to give you details about their privacy policies if you wish.
Other Privacy Questions
If you would like to know what information I have saved about you, e-mail me at the address below and I will be happy to tell you. I will make any necessary changes, or, if you wish, I will delete the information.
I only do business with adults, so if a minor contacts me I will discard any information given to me.
Please contact me if you have any questions, or if you feel that this site is not following the stated privacy policy. Kelly Feibes, kelly@primarilypracticalknits.com 1-800-697-1626.
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© 2004-2024. All rights reserved.
Primarily Practical Knits LLC, 288 Larch Lane, Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 231-6610
This site was last updated
Monday February 12, 2024.